August 8, 2015

Saturday Series: #ListersGottaList Days 1-7

Today is the first weekly installment in my month-long Saturday series, Show Me Your List Saturday! I came across the Listers Gotta List challenge on Instagram and was excited to get started! It's just a fun way to let your creative juices flow and to also create some memories to pass down to future generations! There is also a list for children to participate as well. My children are not participating this month. I wanted to try it out for myself first! (Hey, it's my "me time"...don't judge!)

Here is the front cover of my notebook:

So the way it works, Cori, the creator of the challenge, sends out a month of prompts, one for each day. You respond to the prompts by making a list of answers. You can print out the prompts and use them on your page. Some people choose not decorate at all and some people go as far as their heart's desire! As for me, I decorate! What's a creative challenge without it?! Now, it may not be as elaborate as others, but I make it pretty to my eyes!

Here are my day one through seven prompts:

This was a fun week! I did have to catch up on day 6 with days 4 and 5 though. Life gets busy, especially when working from home! But it's done! Don't forget to subscribe so you can see my next week's list next Saturday! If you're interested in doing the challenge yourself, visit Listers Gotta List to sign up! You can follow me on Instagram HERE to see my creative adventure with listing and planning! 

Be amazingLEE adventurous!


August 1, 2015

New Series: Show Your Lists Saturday!

So I recently have joined the planning community! And let me tell you is ADDICTING! LOL Seriously! All the different types of planners, stickers, washi tape, stamps, paper, pens, sticky notes, etc, can get you in trouble when you enter a craft store! I never NEED a reason to go to Target or Michael's, but now I find myself there a lot more! And let's not even get started on Etsy! If you are a planner girl then you KNOW...that obsession is real! Here are a few pics of my planners(yes with an "S")!!