August 1, 2015

New Series: Show Your Lists Saturday!

So I recently have joined the planning community! And let me tell you is ADDICTING! LOL Seriously! All the different types of planners, stickers, washi tape, stamps, paper, pens, sticky notes, etc, can get you in trouble when you enter a craft store! I never NEED a reason to go to Target or Michael's, but now I find myself there a lot more! And let's not even get started on Etsy! If you are a planner girl then you KNOW...that obsession is real! Here are a few pics of my planners(yes with an "S")!!

Daily Day Designer from Target
Sky Color Crush from Webster's Pages

Picked up from Ross!
I use my Day Designer to plan out my day. It has time slots so I can plane by the half hour. Actually following that plan is another struggle in itself! I use my Color Crush planner to plan weekly and make lists for my business, blog, and meal planning. This is my EDC, every day carry! (If you're going to be a planner you have to catch the lingo!) This peacock planner I saw as I was browsing Ross one day. It was actually hidden behind all the other planners and when I found it my jaw dropped! I love peacocks and this was so beautiful I had to have it! And it was only 4 bucks so why not?! I use this on a more personal level, to journal, record my mood, write quotes I see that day that speak to me, and other personal things.

I even made an Instagram account for all things planner! I mean doesn't everyone dedicate a whole IG account to their hobby?!(Don't answer that!) Well in my search on Instagram I came across Cori: The Reset Girl and her Listers Gotta List challenge. I LOVE it! Such a cute way to be creative and document memories! She even has a Little Listers list challenge so you can do this with your children as well, because let's face it, when do us moms get "me time" to craft alone! HA!

A brand new challenge starts each month so I am hopping on the listing bandwagon for August! I've never done this before so hopefully I can be creative enough to fit in with the seasoned listers. But I think the idea behind it is to just find your own creative mojo and to have fun making memories! I'm down for that! So this should be quite the adventure!

Have you ever done the Listers Gotta List challenge? If so, tell me how you liked it! Let me know what type of medium you used to keep your lists in. I really want to get a traveler's notebook just for this challenge! If you have never participated, would you like to join me? Each Saturday I will blog about my week of listing and post pics! I will call this "Show Your Lists Saturday"! I will be posting the daily pics on my Instagram account so be sure to pop over there and follow me! I am always looking for new planner friends so let's connect!

Happy listing and don't forget...

Be AmazingLEE Adventurous!


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