July 31, 2015

Want To Go On An Adventure?!

I know you are probably wondering what exactly I do working from home! Well today I am going to shed some light on that! I am an Independent Distributor with a company called It Works Global. It is a health and wellness company that offers plant based supplements, skin care, and our flagship product, that CRAZY WRAP THING!

When I was first introduced to the company, I saw it as a way for this stay at home mom to get to connect with other people, get healthier, and earn a little extra cash. I signed up and I worked my business the best I could. I don't think in the beginning I really caught the vision of just how life changing this opportunity could be. I then started following some of our top leaders on social media and watching their YouTube videos and that's when I realized that this opportunity was the real deal! Not only can you change your own life but you can help others change theirs as well! These top leaders were regular everyday people, moms just like me, who took a leap of faith with this business! And in doing so, they helped countless others take that leap and start creating a better future for their families.

That's when I realized, if they can do this, so can I! These were families that, before It Works, they were standing in lines for food, they were facing foreclosure, they were in debt over their heads, and they were living paycheck to paycheck. I'm seeing these same families building their dream homes, giving back and helping other families, and taking their families on vacations they could never afford before. All because they decided to take a chance on an opportunity when it came knocking, and they ran with it! So I took their cue and I started running with my business! This business has helped me to HOPE MORE and DREAM BIGGER!

I am definitely not where I dream to be, but I WILL get there! When I got my first promotion I cried! I worked so hard to get there and it was just validation. And to know that I helped my business partners along the way...priceless! That makes it all worthwhile! I love helping other people.

First Peter 4:10 says "As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace." Our company is big on servant leadership. I am bettering myself daily as a leader for my team so that I can better serve them. Now, this isn't about me and what I can do for ME. It's about how many people I can help with this opportunity I have been given. And I'm going to help as many people as I can!

Maybe I described you above when I talked about how those top leaders were living before It Works. Maybe you are looking for an opportunity to get your family out of that cycle. Or maybe you are like I was and just need a little something on the side for yourself. Whatever the case may be, I am offering you a pretty adventurous opportunity! Friendships, fun, and freedom is what It Works is all about! We wear our black, green, and bling, have lip sync contests, wear green wigs and just have fun sharing our business! We are a big family and we support each other in our businesses. We always have room to grow our family! If you think you would be interested in starting your own business, I would love to have you join our Freedom Empire! Fill out the form HERE and I will contact you as soon as possible!

Don't let fear keep you from living your best life!

Be AmazingLEE Adventurous!


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