July 31, 2015

Want To Go On An Adventure?!

I know you are probably wondering what exactly I do working from home! Well today I am going to shed some light on that! I am an Independent Distributor with a company called It Works Global. It is a health and wellness company that offers plant based supplements, skin care, and our flagship product, that CRAZY WRAP THING!

July 27, 2015

Be The Best Version Of YOU!

When I first started my business working from home, I didn't really believe that I could be a leader. I saw those from my team and other teams that seemed to have that "special something" that made people want to hang on every word they said. I didn't think I had that. I'm just a wife and mom, what do I have to offer?! 

Then I realized that those leaders were wives and moms just like me. They didn't have any special training to become a leader. They just made a decision to be their best selves. To be authentic. To just connect with people in their own way. 

So I did just that! I stopped trying to copy and started being an original! Having a business is hard work, but what makes it even harder is trying to be something you're not. Becoming your best self is also work. Self development is a major key when you are becoming a leader and have others depending on you. I started reading books recommended by these leaders and listening to podcasts from people who have a little experience under their belt! This helped me to become more confident in who I am and learn to embrace ME! 

Does this happen overnight? Nope! It's a gradual change. Am I at the point I want to be yet? Nope! But I am further than I was 2 years ago when I started this business because I made the decision that I am going to be the best version of ME that I can be! And because of that I started attracting people to me that were like minded! 

Will you make that decision today? Imagine what adventure awaits you!! 

Be AmazingLEE Adventurous


July 24, 2015

Is Your Home Office Boring or Inspiring?

I love being able to work my business from ANYWHERE! However, most times I am working right from home! Working from the comfort of your home can sometimes be a struggle, especially when you have three children that require your attention and are probably running rampant through said home! And as a stay at home mom, that’s 24/7!
The biggest thing that has helped me to stay focused on work is to have a dedicated “office” space in my home. Now I don’t have an actual office, where I can close the door and work in peace, but I do have my own little corner office...in a corner of the living/dining area! LOL I love that I can sit here and focus on the tasks at hand and feel like I am actually getting things done!
Here are some pictures of my space!

July 22, 2015

Bloom Where You're Planted

I know we have all said something like “When I get to a certain place in life, I will...” 
Admit it! I know I am guilty! Have you heard the phrase “Bloom where you’re planted”? To me this means stops waiting to be in a certain place in your life to become your best self! Wherever it is that you are in life, make the most of it! Bloom right there! If you can’t be happy where you are, then surely you can’t be happy anywhere else. 
So stop waiting for the right time to be YOU! NOW is better than ever!
Be AmazingLEE Adventurous!

July 20, 2015

Welcome To The Adventure!

1. I am a military spouse and stay at home mom to 3 kiddies!
2. I have my own health and wellness business that I have worked from home for 2 years!
3. I LOVE the color green, like obsessed! But I am also loving the color combo of hot pink and baby blue right now, in case you couldn’t tell!
4. I recently found the planner community…ADDICTED! I’ve used planners before but never in this way! Stickers, washi tape, spiral planners, binder planners, inserts, dividers, decorative paper clips…so much cuteness! It makes planning fun and you actually want to check things off your list!
5. I love to inspire others through faith and motivational quotes!

This blog will be about my adventure as a stay at home mom working from home! My posts will be centered around family life, working from home, health and wellness, and inspiration/motivation! Follow to join my amazingLEE adventurous journey!
Be AmazingLEE Adventurous!